
August 24, 2021

Below you will find information regarding COVID mitigation strategies to start the 2021-2022 school year. 

  • Masking: All students, staff and visitors will be required to wear masks while on District 54 provided transportation and in District 54 schools regardless of vaccination status in accordance with Illinois Governor JB Pritzker’s Executive Order issued, August 4, 2021.  Students will be able to remove their masks during lunch/snack and while outside.
  • Social distancing: District 54 will continue to have staff and students maintain 3-6 feet of physical distance whenever possible.
  • Symptom Screening: Parents/guardians should continue to monitor their children for symptoms of COVID-19, keep their children home if they are ill, and immediately share with their child’s school if your child or a member of your household tests positive for COVID-19. All individuals are required to stay at home while symptomatic and are encouraged to test for COVID-19. COVID-19 Symptoms include:
    • Fever or chills
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle or body aches
    • Headache
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea
  • Visitors: All adults in our school buildings — staff members, parents, volunteers, visitors, etc. — will be required to wear face masks at school, regardless of their vaccination status. In this way, trusted adults will model and reinforce the importance of helping keep each other safe and healthy.
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting: District 54 will maintain a continued emphasis on cleaning and disinfecting protocols, including hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

The prevention strategies outlined are subject to change based on updated guidance from the state, vaccination coverage levels in our community, or transmission levels within the school or community.  As always, please reach out if you have any questions.